     The guidance of the morning stars will lead the way into the void
    21+ ONLY   


  001.    21+ ONLY. Caelus' story and character involve many dark and mature themes. For my own comfort, I will ONLY rp with people 21 and over.  002.    IC =/= OOC.  003.    Consent is Key! Before we begin actually writing, I will have you fill out a consent form to ensure that we both know each other's boundaries. I want you to be comfortable.  004.    No  drama or hate. Caelus is a very morally grey character and will do questionable things from time to time. If you're not comfortable with that, no worries! This might not be the right muse for you.  005.   I am not looking for ships with Caelus. (Not that you should want to be in a relationship with this man). That being said, NSFW/ERP is absolutely okay! I just ask that we discuss things first.


Hi I'm Vex! [He/They] I'm 27, queer as hell, and apparently enjoy pretending to be a mad scientist on the internet.I've been playing FFXIV for about 3 years now, but I was born and raised on Final Fantasy as a whole and feel very normal about it. I started roleplaying over a decade ago, though I've been writing for far longer than that. I enjoy horror/dark themes, and exploring just what makes a character tick.Caelus is not my main account, but I am playing him more and more these days. Feel free to send me a tell in-game, or DM me on twitter if you want to discuss anything. I'm always more than happy to yell about my blorbos, and listen to you do the same.When I'm not playing FFXIV-- which, let's be real, is rarely-- I do art, sew, and play other games like TLOU, Legend of Zelda, or Kingdom Hearts.


  • Reach out to me on twitter if you want to plan something! Especially if you love writing horror and dark themes.

  • Communicate with me your expectations and any limits. I will do the same.

  • Ask if you are ever unsure. I don't mind clarifying.


  • Interact if you're under 21.

  • Bleed IC and OOC.

  • Ignore my consent form. This is very important in making sure we're both comfortable.

  • Try to jump right into roleplays. I take great care to ensure that my writings are a safe and consensual experience for all.


  AZRIEL UNIT-A      Dove
Dr. Oleander's Darling Creation and Love
Dr. Oleander's Darling Creation and Love
Dearly Departed Captain

  ZEHPYR WISP      Adoring Fan
Admirer of Dr. Oleander's Work

  AMBROSE GLADEBORN      Mockingbird
One of Dr. Oleander's Songbirds
  VALERIAN WOLFSBANE      Mockingbird
One of Dr. Oleander's Songbirds
  ABADDON UNIT-C      Mockingbird
Dr. Oleander's Creation

  NAME    Dr. Caelus Oleander  NICKNAME/ALIAS    Caelus / Doctor/ Raven  AGE    UNKNOWN  DATE OF BIRTH    UNKNOWN  GENDER & PRONOUNS    Male, He/HIm  ORIENTATION    Queer  TRAITS   
  ALIGNMENT    Chaotic Evil  HEIGHT    5'7”  HAIR    Long, Raven black hair that is always tied up  EYES    Golden Yellow. Slitted Pupils  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION   Lithe, slender build, with a rabbit tail and paws. He is covered in tattoos including blackout on his throat, hands and arms.  FAMILY   
- Azriel Unit-A and Asmodeus Unit-B
-Hollow. Addictive. Inky black like the void, or like drops of blood in water.
Tastes of copper and burns on the way down.
It will make one ill and drive one mad, should they consume it.
  PETS    Ambrose.  OCCUPATION    Doctor and Philanthropist  RESIDENCE    Somewhere in the Black Shroud.


  Meet Dr. Caelus Oleander,   the revered Raven, the Bestower of Gifts, and the guiding light of those lost in darkness. Known for his extraordinary ability to bestow mystical blessings and profound aid, Dr. Oleander is not one to sit idly by while the world suffers. With decades of dedicated mastery and an unyielding commitment to his craft, he stands as a beacon of hope for those abandoned by fate and forsaken by the gods themselves.Dr. Oleander’s journey has been marked by tireless effort and an unwavering resolve to make a tangible difference in the lives of the needy. His remarkable gifts and acts of compassion transcend the ordinary, offering solace and salvation where others see only despair. In a world where divine intervention is often a distant dream, Dr. Oleander embodies a rare blend of profound wisdom and benevolent power, tirelessly working to alleviate suffering and bring light to the darkest corners of existence.

  HOOK ONE       Divine Intervention 
Do you suffer from an ailment that no healer or conjurer can mend? Perhaps you lost an eye in battle long ago, or you bear a stubborn illness that refuses to fade. Whatever your affliction, Dr. Oleander has the power to ease your suffering. In exchange, he asks only for a small favor—your assistance in advancing his experiments.

  HOOK TWO      Black Market Connoisseur 
Dr. Oleander is always in need of rare and... discreet materials for his more delicate experiments. He’s constantly seeking dependable individuals to procure such components. If you believe you have the skills—and the discretion—to assist, speak with one of his Mockingbirds. The doctor is known to reward his allies generously.

  HOOK THREE      Saviour of the Broken. 
Dr. Oleander has long been known as a savior to the lost and broken, offering sanctuary to those abandoned by fate or forsaken by the gods. His home, a sprawling and serene estate, welcomes all who have nowhere else to turn, providing a safe haven free from judgment or harm. In exchange for his protection, Oleander asks only for their loyalty and service—a small price to pay for the salvation he offers


  • Obedience.

  • Fine Red 'Wine'

  • 'Singing'


  • Beligerence

  • Getting his hands dirty

  • Daytime